1950s-style Adidas Samba trainers reissue

1950s-style Adidas Samba trainers reissue

1950s-style Adidas Samba trainers reissue (image credit: Adidas)

These are not cheap, But the 1950s-style Adidas Samba trainers reissue is a lovely thing to see. View Post

Adidas Italia sportswear and Gazelle trainers

Adidas Italia sportswear and Gazelle trainers

Adidas Italia sportswear and Gazelle trainers (image credit: Adidas)

If the idea of mixing Adidas and Italy works for you, then you are in luck. The Adidas Italia sportswear and Gazelle trainers have landed. View Post

Adidas Gazelle Gore-Tex trainers

Adidas Gazelle Gore-Tex trainers

Adidas Gazelle Gore-Tex trainers (image credit: End Clothing)

Not cheap, but these Adidas Gazelle Gore-Tex trainers are designed for the time of year. And a limited edition, too. View Post

1970s Adidas Bermuda trainers in red and purple

1970s Adidas Bermuda trainers in red and purple

1970s Adidas Bermuda trainers in red and purple (image credit: Size? website)

As ‘old school’ as they come, these issues of the Adidas Bermuda trainers in red and purple really do catch the eye. View Post

Sale watch: Adidas Gazelle 85 trainers

Sale watch: Adidas Gazelle 85 trainers

Sale watch: Adidas Gazelle 85 trainers (image credit: Size? website)

Looking for some money off a vintage classic? Check out the Adidas Gazelle 85 trainers in the sale at the Size? website. View Post