1970s classic: Adidas Cadet OG trainers

The best thing out from Adidas right now? I really can’t see past the wonderful Adidas Cadet OG trainers.

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Limited edition End x Adidas Paris trainers

You will have to get yourself in the draw to secure these limited edition End x Adidas Paris trainers. In short, there aren’t many to go around.

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A year in style: His Knibs 20 most popular posts of 2019

It is that time again. Time to sit back and take a look back at the past 12 months with the His Knibs 20 most popular posts of 2019.

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Adidas Stadt trainers now half price

It was pitched as a new City Series shoe, but it didn’t quite work out for the Adidas Stadt trainers. On the plus side, you can now pick up a pair at half price.

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Adidas Rom trainers in Chile 62 colours

A mix of two styles available to pre-order right now, the Adidas Rom trainers in Chile 62 colours.

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