The much-missed Adidas all-weather Harrington (image credit: Adidas)
Ok, I am going to restart the His Knibs newsletter on a regular basis, and I would love you to be a part of it.
Why? Well, that’s easy. Social media is great (no matter what anyone says) but seeing updates from sites like His Knibs isn’t easy, as not everything gets through (to put it mildly). And you don’t read those sites 24/7, so you might miss the occasional find.
So a newsletter that goes out on a regular basis, containing recent posts with maybe a few extras (like discount codes and sales maybe), sounds like it might be a decent idea to get going again.
One newsletter, all the recent updates and more. Everything is nice and tidy, and you don’t miss a thing. as long as you check your email account on a regular basis. Which means when something like the Adidas all-weather Harrington comes and goes in no time at all, you don’t miss out because you didn’t get to glance it on Facebook.
If you like the idea of that, please sign up for the His Knibs newsletter via the link below or the one on the right-hand side of this page. You’ll never miss out on anything again. Hopefully.
Sign up the His Knibs newsletter
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