1971 reissue Adidas Gazelle trainers

1971 reissue Adidas Gazelle trainers

1971 reissue Adidas Gazelle trainers (image credit: Adidas)

Yes, there are plenty of Gazelles around. But if you want to be particularly nerdy, have a look at these 1971 reissue Adidas Gazelle trainers. View Post

Adidas The Lost Ones Zissou Trimm Star trainers

Adidas The Lost Ones Zissou Trimm Star trainers

Adidas The Lost Ones Zissou Trimm Star trainers (image credit: Size? website)

A Size? exclusive, so only look there for these Adidas The Lost Ones Zissou Trimm Star trainers. And be quick about it. View Post

Out now: Adidas Athen trainers in black suede

Out now: Adidas Athen trainers in black suede

Adidas Athen trainers in black suede (image credit: Size? website)

The stock might dry up quickly, so make sure you grab a pair of the Adidas Athen trainers in black suede while you can. View Post

1960s Karhu Trampas trainers

1960s Karhu Trampas trainers

1960s Karhu Trampas trainers (image credit: End Clothing)

Fancy something different from all of those regular Adidas reissues? You could always check out the 1960s Karhu Trampas trainers. View Post

Adidas Gazelle trainers get a bowling shoe makeover

Adidas Gazelle trainers get a bowling shoe makeover

Adidas Gazelle trainers get a bowling shoe makeover (image credit: Size?)

What do you get if you cross a bowling shoe with an Adidas classic? Something like these Adidas Gazelle trainers. View Post