Classic cricket vests by Real Hoxton

Classic cricket vests by Real Hoxton

Classic cricket vests by Real Hoxton (image credit: Real Hoxton)

The cricket season is almost upon us, so it seems like a good time to talk about the classic cricket vests by Real Hoxton. View Post

Timeless classic: Lois Tejana cord jacket

Timeless classic: Lois Tejana cord jacket

Timeless classic: Lois Tejana cord jacket (image credit: Stuarts Of London)

A classic of the 1970s and ‘80s, the Lois Tejana cord jacket is still popular today, especially at this time of year. View Post

Velzy 1960-style cardigans at Far Afield

Velzy 1960-style cardigans at Far Afield

Velzy 1960-style cardigans at Far Afield (image credit: Far Afield)

The new stuff is coming in for the warmer months (which is always good news), including a new take on the Velzy 1960-style cardigans at Far Afield. View Post

Design classic: Levi’s Vintage Clothing 1961 Type III denim jacket

Design classic: Levi's Vintage Clothing 1961 Type III denim jacket

Design classic: Levi’s Vintage Clothing 1961 Type III denim jacket (image credit: Stuarts of London)

Other denim jackets are available, but this Levi’s Vintage Clothing 1961 Type III denim jacket is pretty much top of the pile. View Post

1960s Adidas Tokyo trainers back in white leather

1960s Adidas Tokyo trainers back in white leather

1960s Adidas Tokyo trainers back in white leather (image credit: Size? website)

There are suede versions about, but these 1960s Adidas Tokyo trainers in white leather really catch the eye. View Post