White leather Adidas London trainers (image credit: Adidas)
When it comes to understated style, these white leather Adidas London trainers certainly score highly.
Sometimes, it’s best to keep detail to an absolute minimum, and when it comes to classic Adidas, that’s pretty much always the case. So many collaborations throw in needless add-ons for no reason other than to look different. With this reissue, it’s quite the opposite. It stands out because no detail has been added.
It could pass for a classic 1960s design, like the Adidas Athen, the Adidas Japan or the Italia 1960, for example. But as you might know, this is a later shoe.
The Adidas London is a 1970s City Series shoe and one originally produced in red suede with black detailing, with subsequent reissues in various other suede finishes. But not in leather.
This leather reissue keeps details to the absolute minimum and with great effect. So you are looking at the same low silhouette you would expect of a City Series shoe and pretty much the same shape, but this time using white leather, which is matched up with blue detailing, including the lace box. There is no name to the side either—or none that I can see.
The end result is striking, and I suspect this will be very popular. I can imagine it being a limited edition one-off, too, so if you want a pair, get in now. Available directly from the maker (I haven’t seen them anywhere else), they retail for £85.
Find out more at the Adidas website
Via Modculture
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